Thursday, February 04, 2010


February 9, 2010 Meeting

Group Leader Gregg Golson will be speaking on The Best of the SCBWI Miami Conference. Several local writers attended this great "meat and bones" conference with a focus on craft. Gregg had the opportunity to attend a novel intensive with Award winning author Kathleen Duey and Agent Jennifer Rofe'. Kathleen Duey, author of over 90 published books, delivered a tour de force on her writing method and how she creates authentic charcters. Ms. Rofe' brought a boatload of moxie, and a surprising helping of her ideas on how to hook an agent's attention.

After Gregg's talk, we will critique up to two double-spaced pages of any work in progress. If you are interested in longer critiques please include your email address so we can assign you to a fun critique group.

We look fortward to seeing you at the Southeast Library off Gate Parkway on February 10, 2010 at 7 pm.

If you have any questions please email me at gtgolson@comcast .net

happy writing


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